Saturday, September 4, 2010

Used Sailboat Parts Salvage

Frickin' Confusion D:

Thisssssss I Hate ....
I go several times that has happened
really do not know if I'm wrong about this idea ... I have the damn

defect of not really knowing what I'm
and sometimes I confuse my feelings ... good to be honest
the most confusing time = w =

But today my head exploded and I'm tired of not knowing what happens to me;
the truth do not know who to ask, because I really am a little shy regarding these issues
and more if something happens to me .. - / / / / -

Well, the point is I've been thinking a lot about that person recently
sometimes I worry too much for what might happen.
When I go to this person prácticamente no paro de sonreir,
y cuando nos despedimos no me quiero alejar de su lado.

Es estúpida la forma en la que te puede afectar una persona...
enserio, odio pensar tanto sobre ello, me fastidia.

I know what you're thinking:
"Gooosh!! Wake up WOMAN! u're in luuuv"


'Cuz there are so many Causes, n' Aspects, n' Troubles, n' Differences Between us...
is just... INSANE! ùwú
and just maybe the person I love
and that's my conclusion ...
but I'm not satisfied with that response.

Agh ... I hate myself as cheesy-w-


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